Friday, January 21, 2011

Friday is Here!

So we have been doing well. We went through a sickness spell for a while and the one who had it the worst was James. He was very sick for about 4 days but he is now doing much better. I find it much more difficult when James is sick because his body basically shuts down, so that leaves me to do the parenting, cleaning, cooking and EVERYTHING to myself. It's ok, but after days and days of work, extra kids, and all the things that go with being a "stay at home mom", it gets to be completely exhausting! On top of that, Tate ran a fever for a few days but it didn't last long and it was a really low. Which is rare, ususally when Tate gets sick, it a long, terrible time. Lucky for us, it was quick and mild. Enough with the whining, really, we are good. James has been a little more busy with our buisness, PC Wranglers and I've taken in an extra kiddo to watch during the week. He is two days older than Tate and they have a ball together. But let me just say, anyone who believes that "one more kid is nothing" is NUTS! For me, one more kid is one more mouth, one more booty to clean, one more brain to entertain, one more body to keep safe. Don't get me wrong, I LOVE this little guy and he is a wonderful child when it comes to behavior-but I like to do a good job, and keep him healthy and happy-so I try to entertain with trips to library, color time, good meals and lots of love from the makes me tired, and ONE more kid makes a huge difference! Tate is doing good, got a hair cut last week and he was an angel which is also rare. Tate has lots of hair so he has had to get his hair cut more than the average 2 year old. Most times, he hates getting his hair cut, he climbs the walls, screams with fury, and begs to get out of the hair salon. But this time, he was wonderful, he sat queitly and patiently as our good friend cut his hair, even she was impressed by his calm, unusual nature. GOOD JOB TATER, you make mommy proud! Lily is becoming my genius child. She is so so so smart! Now I know that every parent thinks that their child is prodigy, but seriously, Lily is brilliant. She can figure things out so quickly and she knows so many words. Even though she usually has her pacifier in her mouth, she will speak and say things that would blow your socks off. She is setting in a big girl chair at the table and that makes me so sad, no more highchair-that baby stage is sure flying out the window so fast. I've been good, trying to run more. I like to run, I've been running about 2 miles a day which is GREAT for me, but I do struggle every day to make myself to go and do it. I'm happy once it's over and I've gotten a great workout done for the day. I better go, need to blog more to keep everyone that is interested in my life. I will try harder! Have a good one!

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