Sunday, October 17, 2010

Took a long break

So sorry, I've taken way too long to get back and update the blog. We have been so busy. I went to my cousin's wedding last week and it was beautiful. She is my age, so we were really close growing up together and she asked me to sing in her wedding. I was very happy to do it, but I was also very nervous. Everything went fine, and her wedding and reception was unbelievable!!! It was very beautiful and she looked amazing. It took alot out of me, but I was super happy to be there and be apart of it. Sadly, the kids were able to attend, James stayed back with them, in Guymon, because they were both were running slight fevers. I didn't think that they should try to fight the fevers while being out of town and trying to attend a wedding. I was sad that they weren't there because I really wanted to show them off. Oh well, maybe next time.
We also have gotten the house all ready for the fall season, it's pretty cute. I love fall, it's a special time of the year because it's the time James and I celebrate our birthdays also, I think everything smells and looks beautiful. So we have pumpkins and hay bails out front and fall leaves up on the fire place. Tate loves pumpkins and points at them every time we drive by them. Also, Jana-James' sister just delivered a sweet, beautiful baby girl-Ellie Jane Shriener. They were very excited and everything went fine during the c-section but poor Ellie has had some trouble with acid reflux so they actually had to take her back to the hospital for one night and one day. She got to come home yesterday. She is doing better and they hope that she starts to gain some weight. Anyways, there is more to share but I'm tired and ready to go to bed. Hope all is well out there in the virtual world.

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