Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Hi Again

Hi again, I'be been trying to keep up and post something everyday. I really do enjoy putting down the days events, even if no one is reading the posts. I'm sure I will like looking back in a few weeks and see how everything was going for us. Today was kind of a busy day. It surprises me how busy we can get even without our kids really being involved in anything. Tate went to Mother's Day Out, which he really fought to go. He was totally loving it at first, but now, we have tears and kicks and screams, as I drag him to the front door. I'm not sure if it's because thats what 2 year olds do or if he just hates it and it's not the right place for him to be. I DO think he is just that kind of kid and even if Mother Goose had a M.D.O.-Tater Tot would still kick and scream on the way there. He bet he is still doing this in grade school. I just pray that it's what he needs to be doing at this point in his life and that it's beneficial to him and not harmful. The gals that run it always give me a "He does a good job, he is a good boy" report but I hope that the report is for real and not just a line that they give to all the nosey moms. Also, Lily woke up a little warm this morning. Our thermametor had a low battery so I had no idea if she even really had a fever, but I was pretty darn sure she did. It was strange, though, Lily is my hardy girl. She hardly ever gets sick and when she does, it doesn't last too long and it's never that hard on her. So I let her stay in her pjamas and gave her some tylenol. It seemed to do the trick but I could tell that she wasn't a 100%. I had to work today too, which not a big deal since it only happens once a week and I work only for 3 hours at time. So I decided to go ahead and go in and have our babysitter come over. She is AWESOME and super sweet. I warned her that Lily wasn't her normal self and really just wanted to snuggle all day. The sitter was completely OK with that and I think deep down she really loved sitting and snuggling with my Lulu. I worked, which was nice, and my boss lady gave me the responsibility of putting out these cute, polka dotted tubs. So I filled them with treats, colorful tissue paper and finished it with bows that wrapped around the tubs. I had fun doing it but for some reason, it really wore me out (alot of things do that to me). I came home and Lily's fever had gone up and she really was down and out. So, James was ordered to go out and get some Motrin since that's the magic drug for little ones. Once he got home, I really needed to go to Walmart-don't be jealous. Tate insisted on going with me and I ended up spending WAY too much, who doesn't do that???? Tater was so tired he almost fell asleep on the way home, it was pretty cute. James ordered a pizza, nice thinking man! I gave the kids a bath after our evening walk around the block. And now, they are finally in their cozy beds, snoozing away the big day they had. Now, on to the next one!

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