Sunday, September 26, 2010

What a nice day

We had a nice day today. We woke up planning on going to Amarillo for the day but decided it would be too much work with both kids, plus James and I were tired and wanted a day to rest and hang out at the house. So I made a yummy breakfast, home grown tomatoes and bacon sandwiches, sausage and waffles for the kiddos. James bathed the kids (which is rare) only because I agreed to lotion, brush hair and dress them. We headed to church and had a nice lunch with the in-laws. Came back home, James had a PC Wrangler job and I rested while Lily took a nap. Tater refused to rest, so he watched a movie. I woke up and got the whole family a beverage, Sonic happy hour special~3 Dr. Peppers. Then Lily got up. James was still busy working on the laptop so I packed up the kiddos and went to Sunset park. The kids had a ball. The train was running and there was loads of people there. Tate and I fed the ducks and Lily ate the food we were feeding to the ducks. It was cute. We swinged, played and really had a nice day. Then came home and warmed up some leftovers. Tate and Lily weren't quite ready to call it a day, so we took a quick walk around the block in the wagon. The weather was just perfect for that kind of thing. There are so many times when I just want a break, some time to myself~I think mommas need some time, but I really did enjoy the day with my babies. They were so happy to just play and I could tell that they really enjoyed being and playing with me. What a blessing!

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