Saturday, December 11, 2010

Hello there

Well I've been busy, I think I mention that in every post (not there are alot of posts). We are doing great. I'm excited that I've got the Christmas card done and printed, now all I've got to do is get them mailed out to friends and family. This year's card is special to me, I guess it's because it took me forever to get it complete-plus we did a photo shoot at Thanksgiving to make sure we got that perfect pic. I love it. Also, we are getting ready to finalize our Christmas shopping. My parents have agreed to watch our kids all day tomorrow so James and I can go to Amarillo to shop!!! How wonderful is that? I think it's flipping great! I'm looking forward to spending that day with James, buying some sweet toys for the kids, and getting to eat some SUSHI! I think James is tired of only getting to eat sushi because every time we go, that's what I beg to eat. We don't have sushi in Guymon and I wish so bad that we did. It's probably a good thing, seeing as though it's very pricey, and I love that it's a special treat! James has been working extra extra hard to earn some Christmas spending money. Having ONE income can get very hard for four people to live off of. I know some may think that a 2 and 1 year old wouldn't be that expensive-but I promise you-they are. I appreciate all that James has been doing. I know he would much rather be home or hunting or spot lighting than working up at an office, but I believe he wants our children to have a wonderful Christmas, even if they don't know what's going on or if they will never remember. It's sweet of him and I'm very thankful. I'm looking forward to this evening because (if the weather's freezing here) we are going to go downtown for Guymon's Christmas Parade and then possibly a quick visit with Santa! It will be interesting to see how Tate and Lily do with that, a big, scary stranger, all dressed up in the red...laughing for no reason. I plan to take lots of pics and I will try very hard to post those as soon as I can get around to it. Other than Christmas parties, yummy treats and poopy diapers-life is grand and I hope all is well in the blogger world!

P.S. I'm gonna post some more random pics, I think it brightens up the blog. ENJOY!

 James and I at Grandma's house for Thanksgiving. He's pretty cheesy!
 Mac and Lily enjoying some pumpkin pie!
 I think that they had 2 pieces.
 Compliments of "Tate Photography"....Thanks
 Me right before Karen's Birthday dinner.
 I love Tater's smile!
 James and Lily eating chicken and watching Nascar.
 Just like daddy

 Being Sweet...for the moment
Our last tomatoes, they did really well this year

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