Friday, December 3, 2010

Did I really go through the month of November and didn't BLOG??

Yes, I sure did. Sorry to all those readers out there that are just dying to know every detail of my life and my precious little ones. But, I've been lazy and....well, that's about it, I'm just lazy. We are good, healthy-which I'm thankful for. Tis the season to be sick, have coughs and runny noses. We are doing just fine (now that I've officially typed those words, both of my kids will be getting terribly sick by 2 am!) Oh well, we also had a very nice Thanksgiving in November at my Grandmother's home. It was pretty neat because all four of my dad's brothers were able to be there. That has not happened very many times, I think maybe 4 times in my whole life. I took pumpkin bread, brownies, and the twice baked potatoes as requested by my grandfather. The house was full and there was some yummy food. Tate and Lily, surprisingly did very well. I think traveling is kind of hard on kids, but for some strange, unique reason-they did great! Lily loves pumpkin pie, especially since she got to share two pieces with Mac. I have pics. Tate is doing awesome with going potty too. I know that's a detail that everyone is dying to know, but I'm actually very proud of him. I really didn't know how to start or teach the idea of using the restroom. I tried all kinds of things; candy, stickers, cars, and even promised him a really puppy if he did it on his own. None of those things worked with him. He wasn't interested in all those fancy promises, he just wanted to go in his diaper. So I told him, "No more diapers, we can't wear them anymore!" And...I guess...that's what did it. A little tough love. Don't get me wrong, I'm not a potty training expert, I really just think he knew that I was serious and that his poor little momma just can't have two kids in diapers anymore. So, GO TATE-I'm so completely proud of you and keep up the good work! We've also got our Christmas decorations up. It's funny that I think the things that we bought when James and I first got married are old and out of date, but they are getting there. We've been together for almost ten years!!! So I'm really hankering for some new, shiny pretty things for my home. Then there are the things that I love and cherish that I think are beautiful and I hope will always be put out for others to admire and enjoy. Like the wonderful Nativity Scene that was Grandmother Powell's. I truly treasure that keepsake. Also, my Nutcrackers and Sugar Plum Fairies, I don't have too many of them. I DO have the one that my mother gave me when I was in 4th grade, it is on my tree as we speak...or blog, to be exact. I love it! We are buying gifts for the kids this year and it has already been so fun to get things. Tater is really picking up on it too. He points to Christmas trees, Santa, and reindeer and says, "Christmas!" I think it's so cute. Lily is walking, talking and doing so well. She is my beautiful darling. I'm really trying to live in every moment because she is growing way too fast, I mean it, like lightening speed. It breaks my heart because there is big chance that she may be our last. And that's OK, it's what we feel is best, but the idea that that sweet baby stage is coming to an end, and that crazy, always getting into everything, toddler stage is just a minutes aways (Tear**) OK, I'm off to wrangle kids, trim the tree and dream up something amazing to feed my awesome family tonight!

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